Get to know Us!

Meet our team of spiritual, heart-centered souls, guides and facilitators


Connect with the teachers that can help you dive deep into yourself

David Star Walker

“You’re not normal!”

Why can’t you be like everybody else?

When David StarWalker was little, this was what he heard from his very conservative, religious family. Most of his young friends just found him “weird”.

He saw more, heard more, felt more, so his friends made fun of him; and his family tried to “fix him”. He simply did not fit in.

Fitting in became important, to be accepted, so for the first 40 years of his life, he did his best and was very successful in the “3D” world of business. He ran companies, made money, had a family, was well regarded – and miserable.

After several decades of “trying”, he finally gave up. He walked out of the business world and onto the spiritual path, searching for happiness and peace.

The resulting journey took him to study and practice various religions, philosophies and modalities. It took him to meditations, the Red Rock, to ceremonies, trainings, celebrations and initiations. It took him to other countries, other communities, other cultures. Finally, when he chose to dig very deep within his own soul, he found what he was looking for: he found himself, and his sacred connection to the Divine. He realized his special abilities to see, hear and feel what most others could not was a gift that would allow him to be of service in unique ways.

Along with a deep spiritual presence and insight, he brings the experience of the “business world” and how to make things happen, as he spends his time at his true loves: teaching, mentoring, doing spiritual work, and working with Star Children.

David continually develops his psychic, medium and visionary skills to provide assistance to those he touches. He has a unique ability to Resurrect Hearts.

Carol Kostic

Creator of the Awakened Baby Boomers New Consciousness Magical Mystical Tour and Road Show (coming soon), Carol Cosmic (aka Carol Kostic) has always had a flair for adventure, travel, the slightly irreverent, and a penchant for full on love of people. Seeing the best in virtually everyone and every situation, she is happy to own the nickname of ‘Pollyanna’.

Carol was exposed to many religions and philosophies. These include an early lifetime of traditional Protestantism, a Jewish roommate in college, Roman Catholic first grade education, Eastern Philosophy studies in College, and an ongoing appreciation for varied esoteric works such as The Urantia Book, to name a few. Add to that more than a decade as an educator on two continents, a rollicking business career in both real estate investing and international trade, and over twenty years of personal development training, and transformational workshops …. crowned by personal disasters and broken heart… and voila! The result is a non-doctrinaire approach to life, coaching, and spiritual and metaphysical teaching.

Degreed in Philosophy (USA) and Education (France), her approach to spirituality is personal and practical, and her conscious connection to the Divine is lifelong – simple and uncomplicated. “God is love, so, I love”.

Supporting friends, family and clients to experience desired results by living in harmony with themselves and the universe (the Beauty Way), by adhering to the Four Agreements, and by finding and living their most authentic lives is her “best day” now.

This she shares with her partner and spouse, David StarWalker as they develop the Light School, the StarWalker Group, and travel from pillar to post, calling attention to The Power of Love, and creating “tribe” wherever they land.


Reconnecting power to the powerless is Prima Burney’s unique strength and goal. Through yoga (she is a certified yoga teacher 200 hour), her hand crafted organic herbal products, energy sessions and wellness consults, Prima assists clients in reclaiming and restoring their personal power which returns balance and harmony to their lives.

She has been practicing yoga since 2007 with an affinity for Hatha, Yin, Hip Hop inspired yoga, Slow Flow, meditation and pranayama. Her Shamanistic training (Jaguar Path) helps her harmonize the conscious and the unconscious, and her passion as a teacher creates a space where “every body” feels welcome and safe. She joined the StarWalker Group team after completing the StarWalker Light School and doing personal work with David StarWalker.

She is the owner of Open Door Wellness, and she invites you to open the door and enjoy the journey within

Gracie Mandujano B & Estelle Zaghloul R.

I am Gracie Mandujano B., creative artist, intuitive musician, medicine woman, student of life.

My passion for Arts & Medicine has taken me on a path of exploring many ways of healing that I blend to accompany people on their journey to reconnect Boy, Mind, Soul & Spirit. I support my brothers & sisters journey to make the transformational change towards their wellbeing.

I am Estelle Zaghloul R., creative artist, musician, dancer, medicine woman, music & videography producer, co-creator or MOD & Sacred Arts.

I am here to support the path of awakening, elevating consciousness, Integral healing, activating the gifts & talents and supporting my brothers & sister in the anchoring & fulfilment of their soul mission.

Kristy Savas

Speaker of Truth: Kristy is a voice of Truths. She is gifted with a clarity of knowing truths, and of delivering them in a way that allows you to clearly get the message.

Innerwork Coach, aka Bellybutton Guide:
Kristy will meet you where you're at, and in a way that works best for you, with support and coaching in finding the direction your soul wants to go to heal and progress.

Intuitive Listener and Teacher:
Kristy is a gentle and firm teacher with "good digging hands and ears". Her passion and joy is in assisting and guiding souls in recognizing your life's challenges and gifts, and how they can support you in making your life work and becoming your best self.

Nature Girl:
Kristy finds joy, release and clarity in nature. Particularly, in her beloved mountains among the rocks, trees and water. She gets happily lost in the textures, smells, colors and sounds.

Kristy finds life an ever learning adventure to Just Be

Let's Connect!