Online Courses

Looking to deepen your knowledge and heart energy to learn the mysteries of yourself, your relationship, the world and the universe?


Learn about your gifts and how to bring them into the world with the support of our teachers

Dance of the VII Chakras. (Online & In person)

Dance is one of the most ancient art of expression; its effects on our physical and energetical body is remarkable. In this class we’ll dive into specific movement that unlock, clear & harmonize each one of our chakras.

A class created for both men & women, involving organic movements that activate & balance all of our chakras opening space for creative expression & wellbeing.

Dance of the VII Chakras. (Online & In person)
Coming Soon!

Dance of the IV Feminine Archetypes. (Online & In person)

Understanding our cyclical nature is one of the most empowering tools to embodying our fullest potential. You are invited to discover the energy of all IV feminine archetypes & embody them through movement.

Our body holds ancient information in our DNA that can be activated with knowledge & dance. In this class we welcome the energy of the Maiden, the Mother, the High Priestess & the Crone to our lives & allow their blessings, skills & talents to unfold in a unique way for each one of us.

Dance of the IV Feminine Archetypes. (Online & In person)
Coming Soon!

Dance of the IV elements. (Online & In person)

We are sons and daughters of our beloved Mother Earth, our whole existence is provided by the presence of the 4 elements: earth, water, air & fire. Understanding how the energy of each element affects our physical, emotional & energetical field allows us to create a balanced life.

In this class you are invited to embody each one of these elements, balance its energy with simple guided organic movements reaching a state of wholeness & belonging.

Dance of the IV elements. (Online & In person)
Coming Soon!

Intuitive drumming, the healing powers of the ancestral rhythms (Online & In person)

Our body is a musical instrument, our heart beat, the flow of blood in our veins, the movement of our digestive system create a beautiful unique symphony. From inside our mother’s womb, we are constantly hearing beats, our heart beat starts before we are born & keeps drumming until our last breath.

Drumming reconnects us to the simplicity in life, it creates a portal through which we are able to connect with our roots, to mother Earth and to each other. In this class we’ll journey through different ancient rhythms that bring pure healing energy to our physical & emotional bodies. We are musician and we are all remembering; drumming is a fun, exciting & simple way to reconnect to what is essential in life

Intuitive drumming, the healing powers of the ancestral rhythms (Online & In person)
Coming Soon!

Activating the voice through Medicine Music. (Online & In person)

Since the beginning of time, music and singing have been used to heal, express, celebrate and raise the frequencies of the moment towards a personal or collective purpose. The true healers of the time knew exactly what sound or vibration to make to harmonize the bodies and promote well-being of the mind, soul, body and spirit.

The act of singing causes the body to release endorphins, forces us to breathe deeply, connects us with our truth and awakens the cellular memory to remember our unique melody.

Activating the voice through Medicine Music. (Online & In person)
Coming Soon!

Creating Altars. (Online & In person)

The creation of altars and spaces that hold a high energy is an essential practice in many of the different spiritual currents around the multiple cultures around our beautiful planet

In this experience we will delve into this ancestral art remembering that as within so without; creating beauty and experiencing the magic of the Altars and their symbolism!

It is an invitation to remember what is essential, open the channels of creativity and focus our intention day by day to create space for what we want to manifest in our lives!

The Art of Meditating. (Online & In person)

Meditating is a profound practice of reconnecting to the here & now, allowing everything else to fade away as we concentrate on what the action or non-action in the present moment is.

In this class we hold a safe container for you guiding you step by step into the complete surrender to the “NOW” allowing the creative energy to flow, heal & nurture your body, mind and soul.

Energetical clearing of body & Space. (Online & In person)

We usually very aware on how to take care of our physical body, taking showers, nurturing ourselves, sleeping, drinking water etc. …

We are not as aware when it come to our energetical field whether it is our energetical body or our space.

In this class you’ll discover fun ways to keep your chakras, energetical field clear as well as practices to clear your space, home, work etc.…

Energetical clearing of body & Space. (Online & In person)
Coming Soon!

The Angelic Realm. (Online & In person)

We are guided and surrounded by higher celestial being that work through and with us so we can fulfill our purpose and mission in life.

In this class you will experience the Divine connection between the physical and ethereal realms, how to connect with them and create a healthy relationship to heal and work together.

The elemental Realm. (Online & In person)

We are surrounded by beautiful beings called elemental in all the IV Element kingdoms; known through times by different names, fairies, elves, salamanders, pixies etc. Their service to our planet and our lives is essential for life as we know it.

In this class you’ll experience how to connect with the “Devas” and elemental beings, as well as communicate & work with them.

Use of the Smudger & herbs. (Online & In person)

Smudging and clearing spaces is an ancient practice held by many cultures around the world throughout human history. The ancestral herbs & resins holds deep medicine that helps clear the space, liberate the mind, calm the body and release any dense energy.

Learn more about smudging, herbs & resins in this exciting class. Mother Nature provides us with everything we need for a balanced life, we are all here to remember…

Use of the Smudger & herbs. (Online & In person)
Coming Soon!

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