Online Courses

Looking to deepen your knowledge and heart energy to learn the mysteries of yourself, your relationship, the world and the universe?


Learn about your gifts and how to bring them into the world with the support of our teachers

Herbs and Chakras

The easy way is hard enough…. With Tea Infusions, experience the Immediate physical, mental and energetic chakra cleansing benefits. Because herbs are a natural healing option, the original “plant medicine”, and generally easy to find, this is one of my favorite chakra cleansing methods. You can even grow many of them in your garden, low cost and low hassle.

In this ….. session class, Prima takes you on a journey through seven chakras – the qualities and functions of each along with their “herbal allies” and how to incorporate them into your daily life and spiritual practices.

Herbs Alchemy

Herbal Alchemy - the Holistic, Magical and Culinary

Lost in the plethora of awesome elements hiding in your kitchen?

That "lowly" lavender or "common" chamomile are elements in the ancient art of herbalism... as much alchemy as any "eye of newt".

Explore with Prima the energetic properties and uses of each herb as she divulges the magical tips for working with herbs in culinary applications.

Yoga For Pain Relief

“Yoga is the study of balance, and balance is the aim of all living creatures: it is our home.” —Rolf Gates

Yoga is a mind-body and exercise practice that combines breath control, meditation, and movements to stretch and strengthen muscles.

Asanas can be modified to accommodate your strength and experience, as well as SOME-ANY- MOST health conditions.

Yoga for pain relief aims to bring balance where there is imbalance. Lee Albert, NMT shares a series of poses, breath, and meditation geared towards pain free living. Prima shares these principals in this yoga class supported by breath work and meditation. Offering you the opportunity to create more space and connection in your practice.

75 minutes pratice
Wear comfortable clothes
Yoga mat
Optional: Yoga Block, Blanket

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