Costa Rica Discover

The VOLCANIC Power of Love. Enjoy the magical country of Costa Rica and join a group of like-minded people to explore yourself and the mystical spiritual world.


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Costa Rica Retreats

There is no greater power than love! Love has the ability to heal the world. Love is pure and decent, innocent and true. When the energy of love takes hold of you, resistance is futile. It has the capacity to heal old wounds and cleanse you of any negativity that does not serve you. Love can take many forms. There is love we feel for our family, a child and a friend, as well as the love we feel for our pets.

There is the in love feeling we feel towards a beloved. Then, there is love that is referred to as self-love, meaning the love of self. Why is it so hard to love ourselves as we are? Why do we seek validation, acceptance, recognition and acknowledgement from others? The truth is that we are seeking love outside of ourselves. We are putting those outside of ourselves responsible for us loving ourselves. A magical strip of country sandwiched between the Pacific and the Caribbean Sea, Costa Rica has a tropical climate all year round and every type of landscape you could imagine, which means it offers a wild and wonderful exploration of nature and all its sacred glory. It is one of the world’s most unique countries to visit.

Costa Rica Retreat

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